SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is a technique for bringing psychotherapeutic elements into Craniosacral therapy (specifically Gestalt therapy, Psychosynthesis). This powerful combination of talking therapy and bodywork allows the client to work with the body and psyche at the same time - unlike most of the healthcare approaches where they separate the body and mind - either having physical therapy or psychotherapy.
There is more and more scientific evidence of how our body tissues store suppressed and unprocessed emotions, energy cysts, chronic stress and an imprint of physical and emotional traumatic experiences. These trapped energies directly influence and inhibit our immune system and can become and underlying core problem for many physical illnesses and mental health issues. E.g. chronic fatigue, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, fybromyalgia, poor immunity, alergic reactions, skin problems, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, hypervigilant nervous system, lack of self-confidence, anger issues, anxiety, depression, PTSD and many others.
As Dr. John Upledger (the father of CST) noticed in his practice as a physican and Craniosacral therapist, that some of his patients' physical conditions didn't improve until the emotional component was taken care of.
This treatment is conducted in a safe, supported and comfortable environment. The therapist will use gentle techniques to find areas of the client's body where they position their hands. The therapist will encourage the client with a gentle Dialogue and Imagery technique to connect with what they are experiencing at the moment (sensations, images, thoughts, memories) while feeling the bodily tissues under their hands. Any physical changes in the client's tissues and sometimes spontaneous body movement are often accompanied with release of emotions, images of past traumatic experiences, deep breath and sounds.
SER therapy might release energy cysts, residual trauma and negative experiences from the bodily tissues, which might not be consciously remembered. The depth of the process is led by the client and their inner wisdom - the sense of their ability and willingness of their process and also the intensity of the healing journey in each session.
SER is a holistic treatment and works on all levels of our being - the physical, energetical, mental-emotional and spiritual. SER can have a profound impact on our wellbeing, help with healing any internal and spiritual conflict, help to resolve relationship issues or family dynamics, bring more clarity into our life situation, make peace with our past, facilitate personal growth and fulfilment, help to discover our full potential and connect us to our deeper selves.
"Everytime I have this treatment with Itka, "something happens". I went through all kinds of emotion, grief, anger, sadness, guilt...all connected to my childhood and supressed emotions which I never really knew I had. I felt completely safe with Itka and much "lighter" after each session. Funnily enough, my headaches and neck pain slowly dissapeared. I don't really know how this works but I feel happier and somehow different. "